Welcome to the website of the British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association.



An Association of Flower Essence Practitioners

The BFVEA is a friendly association which was established in 1998. We support and serve the best interests of all practitioners of flower and vibrational essence therapy as well as providing an information resource for the general public.

BFVEA Gathering 2025

Bookings for the BFVEA Gathering 2025, to be held at Ammerdown in rural Somerset from 25th to 27th April 2025, are now open!

Check out the Gathering webpage for further details!

Vibrational essences are liquid solutions made of the energetic imprint of flowers, plants, trees, crystals, and other natural sources. They are most often taken orally and have a therapeutic effect on our personalities – supporting, strengthening, and empowering us so we are able to function at our optimum level. They awaken, resolve, and transform our emotional/mental attitudes or inner disharmony, enhancing our well-being on many levels.

Using vibrational essences is a growing and transformational modality that offers so much potential to support us in our modern world. Essences are safe for children, animals, the unwell, and the elderly, and are very versatile in their use.

The association has a membership of practitioners from across the UK and the world, and it is supported by well-known essence enthusiasts such as our Lifetime Presidents Dr Andrew Tresidder and the actor Martin Shaw.

We hold annual Gatherings in the UK that are loved by our members and that are also open to non-members. We also offer a quarterly magazine and regular e-newsletter.

Our practitioners adhere to regulations set by COREP, the lead body for essence therapy. They are qualified and insured, and work to a code of conduct, as well as undertaking annual continued professional development.